Why It’s a Good Time To Sell Your Home During the Holidays When it comes to selling your home, if you are going to ask real estate professionals about the best time to sell a home, you would often hear that springtime is the most ideal. Many homeowners who plan to sell their home wait […]
5 Reasons Why You Should Sell Your Home in Greenville in 2017
Sell your Greenville home this year! If you are potential seller sitting on the fence. This year is the perfect time to make a move. 2017 is shaping up even better than the last two years. 2017 is a prime seller’s market not only in Greenville SC real estate but for many states in the […]
Should You Consider Getting a Home Inspection Before Selling Your Home?
If you are thinking of selling your home, should you consider getting a home inspection before listing your home? Yes, you should. If you are putting your home up for sale, consider getting a pre-listing inspection. There are good benefits from getting your home inspected before you put it on the market. Here’s a list: […]
6 Smells That Turn Off Home Buyers
6 Smells That Turn Off Home Buyers In our last blog about home showing tips, we talked about the things you need to do to make your home show at its best light. On this blog, we will dig more about one of the things that can turn off buyers during a home […]
Top 10 Proven Tips for Showing Your Home
Certainly after all the efforts you put into preparing your home for sale, no doubt you want your home to look at its best when showing it to potential buyers. After all, the “showing” will be the determining factor whether or not somebody wants to buy your home. Make sure your home generate the best […]
Tips to Help You Sell Your Home In The Fall
Traditionally the real estate market tends to slow a little bit at this time of the year, and many of you who are planning to sell your home think that it is probably not a good time to sell a home. The truth is, any time can be a good time to sell a home. […]
How Much Does it Cost to Sell a House in South Carolina?
If you are thinking of selling your home to move to another area or to downsize, surely it has also crossed your mind the costs of selling your home. How much does it cost to sell a house? It’s important you know so you can make a plan for buying your next home. The cost […]
10 Sure Ways To Turn Off Your Potential Buyers
If you are planning to sell your home and you think you can get away with not presenting your home well, think again. Even on a hot seller’s market, buyers are fastidious in making a choice. Your home may be the right size or features that the buyer is looking for but that doesn’t give […]
Beating the Spring Market Rush
Selling a Home in Spring It’s spring time again! And just like as flowers start to bloom and bees buzz in the springtime air, the ‘for sale’ sign becomes a familiar sight on neighborhood lawns and the real estate market is buzzing with activities. The spring home buying frenzy is underway! Majority of buyers […]
Should You Wait For Spring to Sell Your Home?
There are many questions homeowners ask when they plan to sell their home; ‘how to price the house?’ ‘should they go for for-sale-by-owner or should they list with an agent?’ ‘how to sell the house for top dollar?’ and ‘when is a good time to sell a house?’ If you are wondering and would […]