A new trail system in Greenville County is now officially open to the public. The new trail system was once an unused space spanning 40 acres behind Lakeside Park located in Piedmont.
The six-mile trail system in Lakeside Park consists of three connecting loops for beginner, intermediate and advanced levels. It is open for walkers, runners, and bikers.
The trail network is adding something that’s been missing to Greenville County. Thanks to some private donors, we were able to work with a local trail-building company and, in less than a year from idea to inception, get these trails built and open to the public
Matt Flege, executive director of The Upstate Greenways and Trails Alliance (UGATA).
The new trail system opened Saturday, Dec 10 less than a year of its development. It is the result of a collaboration between Greenville County Recreation and Upstate Greenways and Trails Alliance.
The Upstate offers a lot of great trails but many of them were located in the northern part of the county and people have to drive to get to the mountains and hike. The new Greenville trail system is a much-needed opportunity to walk and just enjoy the outdoors because it is close to a lot of neighborhoods. UGATA said some of the trails connect directly to the surrounding communities, allowing residents convenient access to the new trail system.
Source: GGAH