Five Forks SC belongs to Greenville 01 district. It has a total of 96 schools with total student population of 70,849. Greenville 01 has a GreatSchools District Rating of 7.
Looking for the best school in Five Forks SC?
Oak View Elementary School is one of the best schools in Five Forks with GreatSchools rating of 10.
Check here to see more information about schools in and around the Five Forks SC area. This information includes local school score, reviews, student ratio, number of teachers and more. Check out other schools in Five Forks area here.
Is school important factor in your home search? Contact us! We could help you find the right home! Whether it is buying or selling a home, there is no bigger decision than choosing the right agent who will represent you in the whole process of home buying or home selling.
If you’re considering the possibility of buying a home in Five Forks and you’re looking for more information about the area, you’ve come to the right place. J Michael Manley Team is a team of dedicated realtors who can assist you in your real esate needs. We specialize in the Five Forks area and have assisted a great number of people who have moved into the area. We can provide you with valuable information as well as explain your options and answer your questions about the whole buying process.